Who Produced MIPEX 2020?

Leading Partners

MIPEX conducts a complete review of integration policies in 56 countries across five continents, including all EU Member States (including the UK), other European countries (Albania, Iceland, North Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine), Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, and South Korea), North American countries (Canada, Mexico and US), South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), and Australia and New Zealand in Oceania.


CIDOB is an independent think tank that promotes global governance and good practices, based on a local, national and European democratic government, to ensure that people possess the basic elements to live their lives free from fear and in liberty, by facilitating a dialogue that includes all diversities and which actively defends human rights and gender equality.

The Migration Policy Group (MPG) is an independent non-profit European organisation dedicated to strategic thinking and acting on equality and mobility. 

Our work is organised into three inter-related programmes with shared core concepts: International movement of persons | Diversity and Integration | Anti-discrimination and Equality

MIPEX Coordination Team

Principal Investigators

  • Giacomo Solano

    Head of Research, MPG
  • Thomas Huddleston

    Strategic Advisor, MPG

Other researchers

  • David Ingleby

    Affiliated Researcher, University of Amsterdam
  • Francesco Pasetti

    Research Fellow CIDOB


  • Sara Bortoletti

    Research Assistant, MPG
  • Marco Paron Trivellato

    Research Assistant, MPG
  • Khaddija Jobe

    Research Assistant, MPG
  • Anna Busquets

    Content Manager, CIDOB
  • Carlota Cumella de Montserrat

    Research Assistant, CIDOB
  • Stefano Deodati

    Research Assistant, MPG

Funding Partners

MIPEX 2020 is associated with the CrossMigration project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Ares (2017) 5627812–770121.


MIPEX 2020 was co-funded by the Centre for Global Development Europe.


Extensive collaboration

The MIPEX rests on the extensive and long-term collaboration of trusted partners, experts and supporters of the project. A group of experts supported us in the selection of the core indicators used to capture each policy area for MIPEX. We would like to thank the following experts for their unevaluable support: Isabelle Chopin (MPG); Maurice Crul (VU); Marc Helbling (University of Mannheim/WZB Berlin Social Science Center); David Ingleby (University of Amsterdam), Dirk Jacobs (Free University of Brussels, ULB); Martin Kahanec (Central European University and CELSI); Albert Kraler (Danube University Krems); Hanna Siarova (PPMI and SIRIUS network); Maarten Vink (Maastricht University/European University Institute).

We are extremely grateful to our network of partners for their energy and commitment to the MIPEX. The organisations and their profiles are listed below. Finally, we extend our full and heartfelt appreciation to the networks of experts, peer reviewers, and country profile contributors, who shared their detailed knowledge to produce the comparative data on which the MIPEX depends.

List of Partners

  • Australian National University - College of Law Migration Law Program

    As Australia’s largest provider of online postgraduate qualifications in migration law, the ANU College of Law has a long-standing reputation for excellence in the complex and rapidly changing field of migration law. Covering both domestic and global contexts, our education and research programs place an emphasis on the social, economic, environmental and cultural factors that drive migration law and policy in areas such as skilled and business migration, family migration and refugee law.

  • Beratungszentrum für Migranten und Migrantinnen

    The Counselling Centre for Migrants in Vienna has been in existence since September 1983 and ranks among Austria’s oldest and largest counselling institutes. It represents an important and independent contact point for migrants in Vienna dealing with questions concerning labour market policy, recognition of foreign qualifications, law relating to aliens and social law. 

  • Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM)

    The Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) is a research centre at the Social Sciences Institute of the University of Liège. With its dynamic and international team of scholars, CEDEM’s mission is to conduct empirically and theoretically grounded research on migration, ethnic relations and racism from a multidisciplinary perspective. CEDEM’s research themes are related to contemporary migration trends, socio-political mobilisation of migrants, migration policy, migration and the arts, social cohesion, transnationalism, citizenship, and Islam in Europe.

  • Group for research on Ethnic Relations, Migration and Equality (GERME) - Free University of Brussels (ULB)

    GERME is a research group of social scientists (trained in sociology, anthropology and/or political science) studying processes of inclusion and exclusion in the context of diverse societies that are marked by social inequalities. Although initially mainly focussing its research activities on racism, migration, exclusion and ethnicity, researchers based at GERME are now working on a wide range of topics.

  • Open Society Institute - Sofia

    Open Society Institute-Sofia is a non-governmental organization, acting for public benefit, defending the values of the open society in Bulgaria and supporting the integration of the country to the European Union. The Institute was founded in 1990, thanks to a donation of Mr. George Soros. The main goals of the Institute are to support the democratization of the country, to strengthen the civil society and to foster public debates and civic participation in public policy-making.

  • Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration (CERC) - Ryerson University

    The Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration program at Ryerson University is connecting Canada and the world to address challenges of global migration.  The program is producing innovative and usable knowledge on the links between migration and post-migration processes, forced and voluntary mobility, internal and international migration, and the role of countries of origin and transit. CERC Migration pays special attention to Canadian realities while also engaging in comparative research with and among other countries in various global regions.

  • Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies

    The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies is the scientific research institution whose mission is a systematic and continuous research on all types of population migration, study of ethnic minorities and various aspects of ethnicity. The main task of the Institute is to stimulate the comparative study of migration, minorities and ethnicity to promote public understanding of the complexity and reality of these topics and also through research and discussion to stimulate the implementation of new policies and activities that might aid solution of problem in the relevant fields.

  • Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology (CARDET)

    CARDET is the leading research and development centre (non-profit status) in the eastern Mediterranean, based in Cyprus. Our mission is to inspire next generation education, and promote research, innovation and development through evidence-based practices, cutting-edge research, and empowered people.  CARDET brings together a passionate international team of experts with global expertise in migration and integration, public policies, research and evaluation, social justice and inclusive education, e-learning, lobbying and advocacy.

  • Association for Integration and Migration

    Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI) is a human rights non-profit organization defending rights of migrants in the Czech Republic. It provides free legal, social and psychosocial counselling to migrants living in the Czech Republic. As a successor of the Counselling centre for refugees SIMI have been providing counselling since 1992. In the course of SIMI operations our services have been used by at least 40,000 migrants. Through concept work, SIMI seeks to influence migration and refugee legislation. By means of initiatives, scholarly articles and lobbying, SIMI strives to create living conditions that are, in the long term, better and more favourable to foreigners in the Czech Republic. SIMI also works with the general public to promote tolerance and combat xenophobia and racism. Workers of SIMI appear in the media, participate in discussions, seminars and conferences while they give lectures at elementary and high schools and universities throughout the Czech Republic.

  • Institute of Baltic Studies

    The Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) is an independent non-profit research and development centre that aims at assisting the development of public policy in the Baltic Sea region by providing high-quality socio-economic analysis. With its activities, IBS aims at contributing to the increase of knowledge and understanding of the development challenges and opportunities facing Estonia in particular and Baltic Sea region in general. Our goal is to improve the policy process in all its phases from the analysis of the problem to the evaluation of the impact.

  • Institute of Migration

    The Institute of Migration was founded in 1974, and has its headquarters in Turku. The major source of funding is the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. The tasks are: to promote the collection, storage and documentation of research material relating to international and internal migration including immigrants and refugees, to carry out and to promote migration research, to publish research reports, books and articles on migration, to develop co-operation between the universities and special organizations related to migration, both within Finland and abroad.

  • France Terre d’Asile

    France terre d’asile is an independent and secular non-profit charity organization, created in 1971. Its principal objective is to protect the rights of asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection, unaccompanied minors and, in general, of all migrants in France. The organization provides social, administrative and housing services and it maintains several reception facilities for the above-mentioned groups.

  • Der Rat für Migration

    The Council on Migration is a non-profit organization and a nationwide union of scientists from various disciplines that critically attends German politics of migration and integration. Since its foundation in 1998, the Council calls for differentiated, democratic and prospective policy-making in these fields and offers its members a platform for exchange. In practice, it operates with scholarly papers and consultancy that give critical attention on politics and reporting. Regarding the media as a crucial actor in migration and integration debates, the Council acts as the project executing organization of the “Media Service Migration”, a service-platform for media workers whose aim is to promote objective media reports on migration and integration issues.

  • Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)

    The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is an independent, non-profit and policy-oriented research and training institute established in Athens, Greece, in 1988.  Its mission is to conduct research and provide policy makers, academics and the public at large with authoritative information and substantiated policy recommendations.

  • Icelandic Human Rights Centre

    The purpose and aim of the Center is to promote human rights by collecting information on and raising awareness of human rights issues in Iceland and abroad. The Center works to make human rights information accessible to the public by organising conferences and seminars on human rights issues and by providing human rights education.

    The Center also promotes legal reform and research on human rights and has established the only specialised human rights library in Iceland.

    The Centre has managed EU Progress Programme for Iceland for the years 2009-13, it coordinated and hosts the Human Rights Education Project, it works closely with the other Nordic Institutes, it is a member of the Nordic School of Human Rights Research, the AHRI network, UNITED and the Coalition for the OP-ICESCR.

    The Centre serves a monitoring role and has, since its incepetion, commented on dozens of bills of law and public policy and provided information to international monitoring bodies on the state of human rights in Iceland.

  • India Migration Now (IMN)

    India Migration Now is a Mumbai based migration data, research, and advocacy organisation. IMN provides services and interventions, conducts primary and secondary research, and gathers evidence for the purpose of furthering migration policy in India. We also undertake extensive advocacy activities in the form of monthly newsletters, periodic migration themed events, podcasts, and media publications. IMN views migration as an opportunity and aims to help India capitalise effectively on its benefits. IMN is a venture of the South East Migration Foundation.

  • Immigrant Council of Ireland

    With over 12-years’ experience the Immigrant Council of Ireland is the leading voice in securing improved rights and protections which benefit Irish citizens, migrants and their families. As an organisation we pride ourselves on being pro-active. We offer support, advice and information, while also achieving positive change through strategic legal action and engagement with lawmakers to make immigration laws fit for purpose.

  • Initiatives and Studies on Multi-ethnicity (ISMU)

    Fondazione ISMU, formerly Fondazione Cariplo -ISMU since 1991, located in Milan (Italy), is an autonomous and independent organization promoting studies, research and projects on multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, and focusing in particular on the phenomenon of international migrations. ISMU presents itself as a service structure open to cooperation with other institutions, public organizations, the world of voluntary work and non-profit organizations, school institutes of any educational area and level, and scientific institutions both in Italy and abroad.

  • Meijo University

    As one of the largest universities in the Chubu region of central Japan, Meijo University has eight faculties (law, business management, economics, human studies, urban science, science and technology, agriculture and pharmacy) with 23 departments and a graduate school offering 11 postgraduate programs. Professor Isamu Akasaki was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in physics for the invention of blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

  • Sookmyung Women’s University

    Sookmyung Women’s University is Korea’s first women’s school founded under Chosun Dynasty in 1906. It has grown to become Korea’s leading women’s university boasting over 100,000 alumni and 13,000 students. Throughout its 107 year history, Sookmyung has accumulated invaluable educational experience, research capabilities, and community service experience, on which we plan to build a global leading university for women’s education. Sookmyung currently runs 47 undergraduate programs and 132 graduate programs. Sookmyung has 41 affiliated institutes including 17 research centers, such as The Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center and Sookmyung Institute For Multicultural Studies. As a university that leads the era with dignity, we fully support an environment where principled culture can blossom. As a women’s university Sookmyung nurtures its students to become female global leaders for 21st Century. As its name indicates, Sookmyung is a clear and bright university that has endless potential. Finally, it wish to be a university brings the world happiness.

  • Centre for Public Policy (PROVIDUS)

    Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS’ mission is to enhance the development of open society values in Latvia. PROVIDUS aspires to be a source of expertise and an “agent of change” in areas of good governance, internal security and inclusive public policy. PROVIDUS publishes research and policy analysis, implements pilot projects to demonstrate new approaches to policy issues, as well as monitors and evaluates policy implementation.

  • Diversity Development Group

    Founded in 2012, NGO Diversity Development Group (DDG) is a non-profit organisation with an objective to carry out social (scientific, applied, and infrastructural) projects and research in the field of human rights, education, equal opportunities, diversity, migration and integration. The strategic aim of the organisation is to improve and manage diversity towards a sustainable, tolerant and socially responsible society.

  • Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés (ASTI)

    ASTI is a non-governmental organisation, created in the year 1979 to fight for the right to vote for immigrants and equal rights for all. Creating the Immigration Festival, co-organiser of the Ateliers des Cultures, ASTI is looking for national and international partnership. ASTI works for a new society, rich of its diversity.

  • The People for Change Foundation

    The People for Change Foundation’s vision is of a just, fair and inclusive society all members of which may reach their full potential unhindered by factors such as age, race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Since 2007, the People for Change Foundation has been working in the field of migration, asylum and race in the European Union, in addition with on-the-ground legal and policy research in Malta.

  • Maastricht University - Faculty of Law

    The Faculty of Law aims at providing excellent education and research that meets international standards. The education and research provisions focus on the demands of the (inter) national and European labour markets: one faculty for Dutch, European and international lawyers; one faculty where diversity in research and education plays a central role. Research also focuses on these interactions as well as on the Europeanisation and internationalisation of the legal profession. It concentrates on pre-selected themes; on European common law (Ius Commune); and on the globalisation of law and civil rights.

  • Institute for Social Research (ISF)

    The Institute for Social Research is an independent research institute in Oslo, Norway. The institute produces academic knowledge in areas important to the development of society. Our research is divided into seven main topics: Working life, digitalization, gender equality, migration, civil society, elections and democracy and welfare.

  • Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)

    Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a leading Polish think tank and an independent centre for policy research and analysis, established in 1995. Our mission is to contribute to informed public debate on key Polish, European and global policy issues. Our main areas of study include European policy, social policy, civil society, migration and development policy as well as law and democratic institutions.

  • Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

    Established in 1956 as a Portuguese foundation for the whole of humanity, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s original purpose focused on fostering knowledge and raising the quality of life of persons throughout the fields of the arts, charity, science and education. Bequeathed by the last will and testament of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian, the Foundation is of perpetual duration and undertakes its activities structured around its headquarters in Lisbon (Portugal) and its delegations in Paris (France) and London (the United Kingdom).

  • Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - University of Lisbon (IGOT)

    The Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon (IGOT) is the School of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon. It includes one teaching and training unit and one research unit - the Centre for Geographical Studies – CEG. The research environment at CEG benefits from belonging to the Lisbon University, which is the largest and one of the most prestigious universities in Portugal (http://www.ulisboa.pt/). Therefore, synergies and collaborative research partnerships, through projects and dissemination and networking activities, have been developed with many international and national bodies and networks.

  • Center for Public Innovation

    The Center for Public Innovation is a think-and-do tank established in 2014, with the mission of building the open society in Romania. The Center uses research, advocacy, and civic engagement tools to work on democracy, good governance, and human rights. On migration, the Center is the founding member of the Coalition for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees, and it is one of the leading advocates for the rights of migrants and beneficiaries of international protection. Since 2016, the Center is contributing to the international comparative research of migrant integration policies, as partner in two prestigious trans-national programmes, NIEM (National Integration Evaluation Mechanism) and MIPEX.

  • Grupa 484

    Grupa 484 is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1995 with the aim of supporting self-organisation of 484 refugee families who found refuge in Serbia after fleeing Krajina and the Croatian Army’s ‘Operation Storm’. Today, the Group 484 operates as a structured organization with three programmes: programme of direct support, programme “We and the Others” and Centre for Migration. Through our programme of direct support, we are focused on providing psychosocial, educational, and integrative support to migrants and asylum seekers accommodated in reception and asylum centres across our country. “We and the Others” is Group 484’s programme for intercultural education. It focuses mainly on the attitude of citizens towards “others”, establishing contacts between “locals” and “guests”, and fostering intercultural dialogue. The Centre for Migration (CEMI) is a Group 484 programme that focuses on research, monitoring, and education in the field of migration.

  • The Peace Institute

    The Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies – is a non-profit research institution developing interdisciplinary research activities in various fields of social and human sciences. The goal is not only to adopt a critical stance towards events in the society but also to actively intervene in these events, to link academic research and reflection with practical educational and strategic advisory activities in various fields of public policy and public action in general. The Institute has the status of a civil society non-governmental organisation on national, EU and international level.

  • Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM)

    Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) was established in January 2007 with the goal of strengthening Malmö University’s migration research profile. MIM was also envisaged as a platform to expand Malmö University’s international networks and build bridges between the university and non-academic actors. Today it is an international research centre with a multidisciplinary profile and a strong international presence. Within the centre and its extensive network, researchers develop, explore and exchange knowledge of international migration and ethnic diversity.

  • SFM – Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies

    In the middle of the nineties, as the Swiss authorities were exploring a federal integration policy for immigrants and their offspring, the need was felt to found this future policy on systematic research findings on migration and integration processes. Along with a national research program on Migration and intercultural relationships the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies was founded in 1995. SMF is part of the University of Neuchatel.

  • Istanbul Bilgi University

    İstanbul Bilgi University is a non-profit institution of higher education with over 14.000 students (50% of whom are on scholarship) and a faculty of nearly 800. Bilgi offers undergraduate and graduate programmes in social sciences, economics, business, communications, arts, law, engineering, architecture and health sciences. Since its establishement in 1996, Bilgi is known for adopting an open-minded and critical position in important social and political debates in Turkey

  • Europe Without Barriers (EWB)

    Europe Without Barriers (EWB) is a think-and-do tank established in 2009 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Its core mission is to seek for a balance between freedom of movement and security. Organisation’s priorities are facilitating and exploring European integration, freedom of movement, human rights, proper governance in spheres of migration and border management. To reach these goals EWB performs monitoring and public control, independent expert evaluation and analysis, advocacy of relevant policies and legislation.

  • Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS)

    The mission of COMPAS is to conduct high quality research in order to develop theory and knowledge, inform policy-making and public debate, and engage users of research within the field of migration. The mobility of people is now firmly recognised as a key dimension shaping society today, but the relationship between migration and societal change is only partly understood. Research at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) , core funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, is geared to deepen the understanding of this relationship.

  • National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA)

    In 2010, NPNA was founded by 12 of the country’s largest statewide immigrant advocacy organizations. The organizations and the communities that comprise them identified a need for a national voice for immigrant communities. NPNA was formed to leverage the existing expertise among its member organizations for greater collective impact. Since then, NPNA has grown to include 37 organizations that build power in immigrant communities and shape the conversation on immigrant integration at the local, state, and federal levels. NPNA holds a unique position in the immigrant rights movement as the foremost institution comprised of and led by immigrant constituencies who effectively mobilize for change that represents our most pressing needs.

Partners & List of Experts

  • Researchers

    Nirvana Deliu (European Movement Albania)

    Gledis Gjipali (European Movement Albania)

  • Researchers

    Veronica Jaramillo Fonnegra (Universidad Nacional de Lanús)

  • Researcher

    Marianne Dickie (University of Southern Queensland)

    Luisa Martinez (Migration Council Australia)

    Lidia Horvat (‎Department of Health and Human Services Victoria - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Kim van den Nouwelant (‎Department of Health and Human Services Victoria - Health)

  • Researcher

    Norbert Bichl (Beratungszentrum für Migranten and Migrantinnen)

    Judith Hoerlsberger (Beratungszentrum für Migranten and Migrantinnen)

    Katharina Habimana (Austrian Public Health Institute - Health)

  • Researcher

    Daniela Vintila (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM), University of Liege)

    Alessandro Mazzola (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM), University of Liege)

    Angeliki Konstantinidou (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM), University of Liege)

    Marie Dauvrin (Catholic University of Louvain - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Veerle Evenepoel (MedImmigrant - Health)

  • Researchers

    Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos (University of Oxford)

    Marília Fernandes Rodrigues de Macêdo (Observatório das Migrações Internacionais - OBMigra/ UnB)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Patrícia Penélope Mendes Jerónimo Vink (University of Minho - Access to nationality)

    Cláudia Giovanetti Anjos (Advisor for Refugees Issues at the Ministry of Woman, Family and Human Rights - Antidiscrimination)

    Luis Renato Vedovato (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)

    Luisa Faustini (Pompeu Fabra University)

  • Researchers

    Georgi Angelov (Open Society Institute Sofia)

  • Researchers

    Marshia Akbar (Ryerson University, Toronto)

    Anna Triandafyllidou (Ryerson University, Toronto)

    Marie Serdynska (McGill University Health Centre - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Karima Karmali (Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto - Health)

  • Researchers

    Regina Ingrid Diaz Tolosa (Universidad Autónoma de Chile)

  • Researchers

    Jingjing Li (IMMRC, KU Leuven)

    Ching Lin Pang (University of Antwerp & KU Leuven)

  • Researchers

    Snježana Gregurović (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, IMIN)

    Margareta Gregurović (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, IMIN)

    Simona Kuti (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, IMIN)

    Julija Kranjec (Centre of Peace Studies - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Drago Zuparic-Iljic (University of Zagreb - Health)

  • Researchers

    Stefanos Spaneas (CARDET & University of Nicosia)

    Charalambos Vrasidas (CARDET & University of Nicosia)

    Savvas Charalambous (CARDET)

    Panayiotis Panou (Open University Cyprus - Health)

  • Researchers

    Ondřej Novotný (People in Need)

    Marie Jelinkova (Charles University/Association for Integration and Migration)

    Helena Hnilicova (Charles University Prague - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Karolína Dobiášová (Charles University Prague - Health)

  • Researchers

    Silvia Adamo (University of Copenhagen)

    Per Mouritsen (Aarhus University)

    Nanna Ahrensberg (Aarhus University)

    Kirstine Hansen (Aarhus University)

    Allan Krasnik (University of Copenhagen - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Natasja Koitzsch Jensen (University of Copenhagen - Health)

  • Researchers

    Kristjan Kaldur (Institute of Baltic Studies, IBS)

    Kats Kivistik (Institute of Baltic Studies, IBS)

    Triin Pohla (Institute of Baltic Studies, IBS)

  • Researchers

    Markus Himanen (Helsinki University)

    Hannamaria Kuusio (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Johanna Mäki-Opas (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare - Health)

  • Researchers

    Alexia Duvernoy (France terre d’asile)

    Hélène Soupios-David (France terre d’asile)

    Paul Dourgnon (Institute for Research and Information in Health Economics, IRDES - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Jawhar Sarhiri, (Institute for Research and Information in Health Economics, IRDES - Health)

  • Researchers

    Claudia Koehler (Farafina Institute)

    Kathrin Lotter (University of Bamberg)

    Michael Knipper (Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Giessen - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Sascha Krannich (Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Giessen - Health)

    Nikru Kavoosifar (Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Giessen - Health)

    Nabor Keweloh (Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Giessen - Health)

    Leon Foltan (Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Giessen - Health)

    Laura Winter (Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Giessen - Health)

  • Researchers

    Kostas Vlachopoulos (ELIAMEP)

    Elli Ioannides (National School of Public Health, Greece)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Panagiota Mandi (Hellenic Ministry of Health - Health)

  • Researchers

    Andras Kovats (Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants)

    István Szilard (University of Pécs - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Zoltán Katz (University of Pécs - Health)

    Csaba Jaksa (University of Pécs - Health)

    Attila Dobos (Semmelweis University - Health)

  • Researchers

    Margret Steinarsdóttir (Icelandic Human Rights Centre)

    Bjarney Fridriksdottir (Deusto University, Health)

  • Researchers

    Varun Aggarwal (India Migration Now, IMN)

    Priyansha Singh (India Migration Now, IMN)

    Rohini Mitra (India Migration Now, IMN)

    Rohan Bhatia (India Migration Now, IMN)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Meera Sethi (International Organisation for Migration,IOM)

    Mukta Naik (Centre for Policy Research, CPR)

    Akhil C S (Centre for development Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, JNU)

  • Researchers

    Antje Missbach (Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg University)

    Wayne Palmer (Monash University)

  • Researchers

    Catherine Cosgrave (Immigrant Council of Ireland)

    Teresa Buczkowska (Immigrant Council of Ireland)

    Brian Killoran (Immigrant Council of Ireland)

    Anne MacFarlane (University of Limerick - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Therese Donnellan (Health and Safety Executive - Health)

    Tony Quilty (Health and Safety Executive - Health)

    Mary O'Malley (Health and Safety Executive - Health)

    Una McInerny (University of Limerick - Health)

  • Researchers

    Olena Bagno-Moldavski (Consultant in Research Methodology, AlphaStrategy Consulting)

    Nelly Kfir (The Center for International Migration and Integration)

  • Researchers

    Ennio Codini (Fondazione ISMU)

    Alessio Menonna (Fondazione ISMU)

    Margerita Giannoni (University of Perugia - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Antonio Chiarenza (Local Health Authority of Reggio Emilia - Health)

  • Researchers

    Marah Jamous (West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute)

    Kareem Al-Sharabi (West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute)

    Shereen Shaheen (West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute)

  • Researchers

    Atsushi Kondo (Meijo University)

    Keizo Yamawaki (Meiji University)

  • Researchers

    Kwang-Il Yoon (Sookmyung Women's University)

    Hye-Jin Oh (Sookmyung Women's University)

    Hyun-Sook Kim (Sookmyung Women's University)

  • Researchers

    Agnese Lace (Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS)

    Andris Šuvajevs (Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS)

    Ilmārs Mezs (International Organisation for Migration - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Aiga Rurane (WHO - Health)

  • Researchers

    Giedrė Blažytė (Diversity Development Group)

    Linas Sumskas (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Daiva Bartušienė (Vytautas Magnus University - Health), Gintarė Guzevičiūtė (Lithuanian Red Cross)

    Gintarė Guzevičiūtė (Lithuanian Red Cross - Health)

  • Researchers

    Serge Kollwelter (Association for the Support of Migrant Workers, ASTI)

    Laurence Hever (Association for the Support of Migrant Workers, ASTI)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Laurence Hever (Association for the Support of Migrant Workers, ASTI)

  • Researchers

    Bethany Archer (The People For Change Foundation)

    Jean-Pierre Gauci (The People For Change Foundation)

    Luca Bottazzi (The People for Change Foundation)

    Sandra Buttigieg (University of Malta - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Maria Pisani (University of Malta - Health)

    Marika Podda Connor (Primary Health Care Directorate, Malta - Health)

  • Researchers

    Laura Coello (Inclusive Works)

    Omar Valdez (Law Student, Mexico)

  • Researchers

    Valeriu Mosneaga (Moldova State University)

  • Researchers

    Arjen Leerkes (Erasmus University & Maastricht University)

    David Ingleby (University of Amsterdam - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Maria van den Muijsenbergh (Radboud University Nijmegen - Health)

    Rob van Dijk (Health)

    Tesseltje de Lange (University of Amsterdam – Labour Market)

  • Researchers

    Petra Butler (Victoria University of Wellington)

    Grace Wong (Auckland University of Technology - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Priya Saravanakumar (Auckland University of Technology - Health)

    Max Abbott (Auckland University of Technology - Health)

  • Researchers

    Zlatko Simonovski (Center for Research and Policy Making, CRPM)

    Fimke Tozija ( Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Brankica Mladenovik (Institute of Mother and Child Health - Health)

  • Researchers

    Jan-Paul Brekke (Institute for Social Research, ISF)

    Bernadette Kumar (Norwegian Institute of. Public Health - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Charlott Nordstrøm (Norwegian Institute of. Public Health)

  • Researchers

    Anna Górska (Institute of Public Affairs, IPA)

    Kseniya Homel  (Institute of Public Affairs, IPA)

    Ewa Kownacka (Institute of Public Affairs, IPA)

    Elżbieta Czapka (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Anna Kosińska (University of Lublin - Health)

  • Researchers

    Maria João Hortas (Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa)

    Sandra Silva (Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa)

    Lucinda Fonseca (Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa)

    Beatriz Padilla (University Institute of Lisbon, ISCTE - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Cláudia de Freitas (Institute of Public Health, University of Porto - Health)

  • Researcher (Main section)

    Ovidiu Voicu (Center for Public Innovation)

    Alexe Irese (Novapolis Association - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Monica Roman (Bucharest University of Economics - Health)

  • Researcher (Main section)

    Victoria Galyapina (National Research University Higher School of Economics)

    Maria Bultseva (National Research University Higher School of Economics)

    Vladimir Mukomel (Institute of Sociology, the Russian Academy of Sciences)

    Irina Molodikova (Institute for Socio-Political Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences)

    Irina Kuznetsova (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University Birmingham)

    Vyacheslav Postavnin (the Migration XXI Century Foundation)

    Sergey Abashin (the European University at St. Petersburg)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Tatyana Yudina (Commission on migration issues and socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens, the Council the Russian Federation on interethnic relations)

    Oleg Khukhlaev (Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University)

    Konstantin Troitsky (the Civic Assistance Committee)

    Elena Varshavskaya (National Research University Higher School of Economics)

    Valentina Chupik (Tong Jahoni NGO)

    Dilshod Rakhimov (Vakhdat - Unity)

    Daniel Kashnitsky (Moscow Higher School of Economics - Health)

  • Researchers

    Françoise De Bel-Air (GLMM - Gulf Labour Markets, Migration and Population)

  • Researchers

    Miroslava Jelačić Kojić (Group 484)

    Gordana Grujičić (Group 484)

    Vladimir Petronijević (Group 484)

    Robert Kozma (Group 484)

  • Researcher (Main section)

    Zuzana Bargerova (Centre for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture, CVEK)

    Martina Sekulová (Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences)

    Daniela Kállayová (Public Health Department Ministry of Health - Health)

  • Researchers

    Veronika Bajt (the Peace Institute)

    Maja Ladić (the Peace Institute)

    Katarina Vučko (the Peace Institute)

  • Researchers

    Mulugeta F. Dinbabo (University of the Western Cape)

    Michael Nguatem (University of the Western Cape)

  • Researchers

    Carlota Cumella de Montserrat (CIDOB - Barcelona Centre for International Affairs)

    Francesco Pasetti (CIDOB - Barcelona Centre for International Affairs)

    Manuel Garcia Ramirez (University of Seville - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Rocío Garrido Muñoz de Arenillas (University of Seville - Health)

    Daniel de la Parra Casada (University of Alicante - Health)

    Tona Lizana (Catalan Public Health Agency - Health)

  • Researchers

    Henrik Emilsson (Malmö University)

    Slobodan Zdravkovic (Malmö University - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Elisabeth Mangrio (Malmö University - Health)

    Hilda Gustafsson (Malmö University - Health)

  • Researchers

    Denise Efionayi-Mäder (Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, University of Neuchâtel)

    Didier Ruedin (Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, University of Neuchâtel)

    Rosita Fibbi (Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, University of Neuchâtel)

    Paolo Ruspini (University of Lugano - Health)

    Peer Reviewer (Health)

    Sandro Cattacin (University of Geneva - Health)

  • Researchers

    Gülay Uğur Göksel (Istanbul Bilgi University)

    Neva Övünç Öztürk (Ankara University)

    Kaya Burak Öztürk (Ankara University)

    Seval Akgun (Baskent University School of Medicine - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Coskun Bakar (Canakkale 18 March University - Health)

    Ozgür Erdem (Directorate of Public Health - Health)

  • Researchers

    Iryna Sushko (Europe without barriers)

    Pavlo Kravchuk (Europe without barriers)

    Mykhailo Kremer (Europe without barriers)

  • Researchers

    Françoise De Bel-Air (GLMM - Gulf Labour Markets, Migration and Population)

    Froilan T. Malit (GLMM - Gulf Labour Markets, Migration and Population)

  • Researchers

    Ben Gidley (Birkbeck College, University of London)

    Rachel Benchekroun (University College London)

    Mark Johnson (De Montfort University Leicester - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Hiranthi Jayaweera (University of Oxford - Health)

  • Researchers

    Westy Egmont (Immigrant Integration Lab, Boston College)

    Maurice Belanger (Maurice Belanger Consulting)

    Eva Millona (National Partnership for New Americans)

    Tanya Broder (National Immigration Law Center, NILC - Health)

    Other researchers/Peer-reviewers

    Julia Puebla Fortier (Arts and Health South West England - Health)


New results of MIPEX

We are pleased to announce that the new results of MIPEX (2014-2020) will be published by the end of 2020. MIPEX 2020 will include 52 European and non-European countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU28, India, Japan, Mexico, US and much more. Stay tuned!