Djaved says he has learned that you can haggle with a policeman for anything in Sofia. At 10.15 on the morning we met it was already over 30ºC, but we went for a walk anyway.
Aug 28, 2015
Jul 1, 2015
Bulgaria is ranked at the bottom of the ranking on policies of migrant integration, taking the 31st spot out of all 38.
Jun 28, 2015
Two years after Bulgaria has been assessed with the MIPEX for the first time, positive developments are registered only in two areas regulated by the acquis communautaire – family reunification and
Jun 26, 2015
All news relating to the use of MIPEX in Bulgaria can be found here.
Jun 13, 2014
Като най-проблемни области по отношение на интеграцията на имигранти от трети страни в България, MIPEX оцени ограничения достъп на граждани на трети страни до образование, гражданство и възможности
May 22, 2013
For the first time integration policies for migrants in Bulgaria are evaluated with international rating which compares and correlates integration policies of 31 countries in Europe and North Ameri
Mar 22, 2013
Politization of migration is still to come to Bulgaria.
Aug 30, 2012
For the first time integration policies for migrants in Bulgaria are evaluated with international rating which compares and correlates integration policies of 31 countries in Europe and North Ameri
Nov 18, 2011
...Romania is also a few steps ahead of Bulgaria when it comes to integration, according to a survey by the British Council’s Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX).MIPEX underlined that Buchares
Nov 9, 2011
България е класирана на 26-то място от общо 31 страни в индекса за интеграция на имигрантите (Migrant Integration Policy Index - MIPEX), измерван по програма на Британския съвет.Според изследването
Nov 7, 2011
Bulgaria fails to integrate its refugees and routinely locks up asylum seekers, despite EU and national laws banning the use of detention centres, forcing even those who might otherwise stay to try
Apr 26, 2011
Bulgaria is ranked 26 out of 31 states, which include the EU and North America, in the Migrant Integration Policy Index, produced by the British Council and the Mi
Apr 21, 2011
На 20 април в София ще се проведе конференциятаБългария в индекса за политики на интеграция на мигранти MIPEX.България за първи път участва в индекса MIPEX, който сравнява и съпоставя интеграцион
Apr 21, 2011
България е на 26-то място сред 31 държави от Европа и Северна Америка в класация, показваща нивото на интеграция на имигранти.
Apr 20, 2011